Friday, September 03, 2004

There is no such thing as bad PR

Reality television shows are the new sitcom; it seems that half of the major network's schedules now involve 'real people' trying to find a spouse, being tempting to cheat on their actual spouse, or eating the intestines of a farm animal. I admit, there have been some of these shows that I have watched religiously, but mostly so I can carry on a conversation at the water cooler (especially since football is too confusing for me).

My alma mater, DePauw University in scenic Greencastle, Indiana (scenic meaning miles of farmland, trailer parks and loud pick-up trucks), was selected by NBC as the site of a new reality television show. What an honor, I thought! All the places where I sewed my wild oats (mostly involving large quantities of alcohol) would be broadcast for the whole nation to see! But no, the administration of DePauw, decided not to host the reality TV show! And what would have been the premise - a celebrity would enroll and crew could track his comings and goings a la Anna Nicole Smith. And who was this celeb? Tommy Lee, of both Motley Crue AND Pamela Anderson fame. I am sure Tommy would have enjoyed kickin' it on the porch the SAE house. And I bet he would have been a Comm major.

DePauw gave no justification for their decision not to host the show. Sure, there could be some negative exposure for the University - the fact that everyone but one person drinks, the sorority hazing rituals, and boulder runs, but you can't pay for national network TV exposure. In fact, I am sure every high school student in America would want to attend DePauw after seeing an episode of this planned show. But nope. DePauw remains a school with an identity crisis. Thanks, DePaul.


At September 4, 2004 at 2:55 PM, Blogger Beth said...

Hey now--don't be rollin' all up in my grill by insulting Comm majors like that. Look at who your friends are before blogging, Johnny dear.

Peace-out, B.

At September 6, 2004 at 4:51 PM, Blogger Tricia said...

Thank god for some good sense. We already have to justify ourselves having Dan Quayle as a graduate - the last thing we need is to have to explain Tommy Lee too! It would certainly make for some more interesting mash lists, though. They'd have to make some made for tv movie out of it after it was over too - 'My entire college campus has siphilis' just like that stupid 'She's Too Young' movie (you can catch on Lifetime) where the whole high school has siphilis.

At September 6, 2004 at 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, sounds like someone needs a tutorial in the finer points of Sunday afternoon football... you're invited to come on over for (take your pick) M&Ms, martinis, or Milk Bones :)


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