Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Blonde Ambition

As I was on the train home from work yesterday, I resumed my usual habit of people watching on the CTA's yuppified Brown Line. I decided to focus on reading materials today - what are Chicagoians reading? There's the usual Davinci Code, an intriguing book titled Unanswered Questions, and the presumably work-related Advanced Table Creation in an Oracle Environment.

The woman, sitting next to me, however, had the most interesting reading material on the train. She was a pretty, blonde lady, no more than 30 years old, single (so I assume from the lack of a wedding ring), and had a blank page of a notebook open when I first saw her. Over the next five minutes, she proceeded to fill the page with her 'goals'. In order, here they are:

1. Find a new job outside of the financial services industry that pays at least 25% more than I make now.
2. Decide on family plans.
3. Purchase more real estate.
4. Decide if I want a career in real estate or design.
5. Firm up retirement plans.
6. Write a will.

Hey, I am a proponent of dreaming big and setting high expectation for yourself, but can she reasonable expect to accomplish those things this week, much less this month?

I wish her good luck. Just remember to include me in your will, lady.


At September 2, 2004 at 9:59 AM, Blogger Tricia said...

That's great! Sounds a lot like me actually. As a perpetual list-maker, I understand the compulsion, and have totally done it myself, but also find it humorous. I mean, like you're going to look at your list and remember, 'Hey, I really need to figure out whether I want to have kids or not and I also need to choose a career. I think I'll do that Tuesday.' Like you are going to forget that you need to do those things? I feel for her, though...small steps, little lady, small steps.


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