Sunday, October 31, 2004

Blogging, Revisited

Hello, again. Sorry for the five week (yikes!) absence from the world of blogging. To be honest, I have been spending way too much time reading other people's blogs for the past month and got myself so wrapped up with every little detail of the upcoming presidential election that I felt that whatever I needed to say had been said already.

Now that election day is finally here, and the political pundits can hopefully return to their cold, dark caves for another four years, I will return to daily updates of the blog. I appreciate the kind e-mails about missing updates from the blog. Here's a sample from the Inbox:

"Please write something on your blog or you will make me actually work during the day."

"Blogging is the new not blogging. Get writing."

"It's not like you have anything better to do, damnit John."

"Vos marques d'écriture ma vie complète. Veuillez écrire plus."

I hear my people! I am back!


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